Honors and Awards

Honors and Awards

Fiber Society Officers

Meifang ZhuDonghua University

Xiangwu ZhangNC State University

Emilie DreanENSISA

Gang Sun, UC-Davis

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Member News

Spring 2025 Conference Information

- Call for Papers

- Submit Abstract

- Abstract Template

- NEW Fiber Society contact information

NEW JOB LISTING:  The Department of Textiles, Merchandising, and Interiors at the University of Georgia is planning to hire a faculty member with national stature in soft goods manufacturing, product development and design, global sourcing, and logistics to teach undergraduate students and develop relations with business and industry. The Georgia Soft Goods Education Foundation Distinguished Professor is a full-time teaching, nine-month, non-tenured track position. The professorship appointment is for five years and is renewable. The Department provides funds to support recruitment, teaching, development, and study abroad activities associated with the fashion merchandising major, product development, and design emphasis. Interested persons can apply through the link: https://lnkd.in/dhwhhitb

Respond by February 20, 2025

- NEW JOB LISTING:  Department of Human Centered Design, Cornell University, seeks full-time department chairperson.
Click here for details.

- A reminder:  The Fiber Society is now included in ASTM Committee D 13 on Textiles “Related Links” list [https://www.astm.org/COMMIT/RELATED/D13.htm]  ASTM Committee D13 was formed in 1914 and currently comprises 561 members.  The group has jurisdiction over 364 standards, which are published in the “Annual Book of ASTM Standards,” Volumes 7.01 and 7.02.

In Memoriam

George A.M. “Tony” Butterworth died January 14, 2024, after a long illness. Dr. Butterworth joined The Fiber Society in 1966. He served the Society in many capacities: on the Governing Council, as vice-president in 1980, and as president in 1981. He was a presence at Fiber Society conferences over many years.

Tony is remembered for his intellect, his curiosity, his resourcefulness, his energy, and his humor. Those of us who knew him and had the pleasure of his company will long remember him for all those attributes and for the personal one-on-one memories of time well spent with Tony. His is an enduring legacy; he will be missed.




Honors and Awards of The Fiber Society

Founder's Award
Founder's Award Recipients

This award recognizes outstanding contribution to the science and technology of fibrous materials by a Member. The award is given to a professionally active scientist, regardless of age. Each award is presented in honor of a Founding Member defined as President of the Fiber Society before 1959 (inclusive) or an Honorary Member of the Society.

Distinguished Achievement in Fiber Science
Distinguished Achievement Recipients

The Society sponsors an Award for Distinguished Achievement in Fiber Science. This Award is presented to individuals under the age of 40 (in the year of the award) who have made significant contributions to the field. It is intended to recognize early achievement and to stimulate continuing commitment to the science, engineering and technology of fibers and fiber based products. 

Distinguished Service Award 
Distinguished Service Recipients

This award is to recognize and honor Fiber Society Members who have made a significant impact on the Society, having provided outstanding service to the Society through exceptional short-term contributions or through sustained support of the Society.

Student Paper Competition and Award
Student Award Winners

The Society sponsors a student paper competition in order to encourage participation by graduate students in the Society conference activities. The competition is open to graduate students mentored by faculty who are active Members of the Fiber Society. The competition is held annually in conjunction with the fall conference of the Fiber Society.

Honorary Membership
Honorary Members

Honorary membership in the Society may be extended to persons who have made outstanding contributions to the science or technology of fibrous materials. Honorary Members are exempt from annual dues and shall have all of the privileges of members except voting and holding office, unless they were regular members of the Society before their election to honorary membership.