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Sit vel phasellus parturient auctor ac, integer mattis hac! Eu ac, in, pellentesque nisi eu, scelerisque porta dolor hac nec, penatibus dignissim ac pulvinar pulvinar magna duis porta et ultricies, in odio elementum etiam cras scelerisque, tincidunt cras dapibus platea ultricies hac, sed a, augue aliquet amet a? Adipiscing arcu elementum scelerisque diam phasellus, placerat. Odio.

Nec risus vel pulvinar et quis tempor sagittis diam rhoncus scelerisque nisi ultricies sagittis proin pulvinar aliquet tincidunt lectus, nisi ultricies pulvinar placerat integer, lectus turpis habitasse! Auctor. Sed, auctor ut sit massa nisi! Turpis aliquet! Nisi? Sociis ultrices mid. Cum urna enim dictumst amet pid et odio ultricies, parturient augue cursus nisi sed phasellus sociis, in a, quis natoque enim dis. Enim, pulvinar.

Contact Information

Praesent ac urna at lectus porta porttitor. Cras nulla leo, porta nec laoreet ac, lobortis non enim. Duis nisl nisi, mattis vel egestas sed, venenatis sed turpis.

Welcome to the Fiber Society Website

Caroline Schauer, Drexel University

Meifang ZhuDonghua University

Emilie DreanENSISA

Ian Hardin, University of Georgia

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Massive Recall, We Goofed

Well guys, last week the Bureau of Temporal Stability stopped by our offices. Unfortunately, it turns out that there are some legal restrictions when it comes to passing out time machines. Let me tell you, they were awfully angry about the results of our first few sales, though personally I have no problems with our new Dinosaur Overlords.

Anyway, long story short, we’re not going to be able to continue production on our new Paradox™ line. In fact, we’re going to have to ask everybody who has purchased one of these bicycles to return them. Don’t worry though, we’ll be providing you with full refunds. If you have any questions, about this recall, please feel free to give us a call.

Announcing New Product Launch

We’re proud to announce the launch of our new Paradox™ line of Time-Traveling Bicycles. That’s right, you too can explore the mysteries of the past or view wonders of the future just by hopping on one of our bicycles!

I’m sure you’re wondering how we came up with Time Travel. Well, our lead engineer was trying to figure out how to make our electric bikes require even less physical exertion, and he stumbled upon a happy accident. It turns out that, after a few modifications, taking one of our electric models over a speed of 88 miles an hour allows you to bypass the laws of the physics. Awesome!

Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam in enim ut sapien consectetur suscipit at vel nisi. Mauris vehicula elementum quam et faucibus. Cras convallis vestibulum accumsan. Aenean est libero, tincidunt nec rhoncus non, semper ac ipsum. Cras quis arcu ut purus rutrum molestie hendrerit at neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Member News

Spring 2024 Fibers Society Conference Information

- Call for Papers

- Abstract Template

- Submit Abstract

- Registration Information

- Register to Attend

- Travel-Hotels-Lodging Information

- Preliminary Program

- Sponsorship Opportunities

- NEW Fiber Society contact information

- NEW JOB LISTING:  Department of Human Centered Design, Cornell University, seeks full-time department chairperson.
Click here for details.

- A reminder:  The Fiber Society is now included in ASTM Committee D 13 on Textiles “Related Links” list []  ASTM Committee D13 was formed in 1914 and currently comprises 561 members.  The group has jurisdiction over 364 standards, which are published in the “Annual Book of ASTM Standards,” Volumes 7.01 and 7.02.

Our Goal

We love it when we can provide our customers with their dream bicycle. That’s why we have the best and most creative people in the industry on hand to design and build exactly what you want. Ut a fringilla est. Aliquam eleifend interdum urna eu cursus.

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